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Ultimate guide to text messaging customers overseas

When things go wrong overseas, they go really wrong. Illness, credit card scams, extreme weather events. But it’s in these moments when premium mobile phone networks, travel insurance companies and banks can create lifelong advocates through timely service-related text messages.

Text messaging remains the most preferred method of contact for overseas travellers.  Most travellers take their mobiles with them nowadays and texts are read within 6 minutes of being sent in 95% of cases. Data roaming expense means not everyone will have internet access to get emails.

But if you are a business thinking about sending texts (SMS) to customers overseas, there are some traps you’ll need to avoid. Run through this checklist to guarantee a successful text campaign:

Overseas business SMS contains a few traps for new players, but once set up correctly, your customers will thank you! Keep the cheat sheet handy and start the conversation today!

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